Sunday, 11 January 2015

Camino de Santiago

 Day One has begun, we are in St Jean de Pied du Port ready to begin our adventure.  We had decided that our first day would be a short one, only 7 km to Orrisson so we were not concerned with rising early but we never expected to sleep in, when the person running the hostel entered our room we were surprised to see that everyone had already left except us and a young Irish lad that slept even later that us. Fed, knapsacks on, boots laced, passports stamped, and shell purchased we were ready!

We very early began to see the variety in ways people travelled, some pulled carts, knapsacks were large, small or shipped by van day by day, dogs travelled with their owners, donkeys, horses, and bicycles, distances varied, reasons for embarking on the camino, nationalities, ages, everyone was different and it was wonderful.

The alberge at Orrisson

 Laundry was practically a daily chore


Our first roadside enterpeneur, a welcome and unexpected sight!
 Day two was up, up, and up some more and then down, down down.

 The cathedral at Roncesvalles, our first mass.